
Archive for January, 2011

Before anything I would like to remind everyone that my New Year Giveaway ends today! So make sure you enter if you have not had the chance to. I will announce the winner this week!
Now off to the hair stuff…..
My first Homemade Deep Conditioner of the month, since going cone free, was truly fabulous and left me with soft, shiny and tangle free hair. Bananas always leaves my hair with lovely results. Banana chunks in the hair, well no too lovely and can get annoying at times. And besides I always end up eating my banana stash  by the time wash day comes around. So for a while I have been meaning to try banana baby food as a substitute. I hear so much about it on the hair boards so I figured I finally get around to it. So while at the supermarket I picked up 2 baby banana food jars, 50 cents each.
This can be a great Deep Conditioner for all types of hair, especially dry damaged, curly types like me.
———- What I Used———-
Chiquita Baby Banana food- Moisturizers, Strengthens and Softens hair 
Honey- Natural Humectant, Moisturizes, Provides Shine
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil- Conditions hair, Provides shine, prevents hair loss and smells wonderful
In a bowl simply pour your baby banana food. (It was actually really nice being in the baby section….. So many cute stuff!)

Back to the subject… Pour your honey, I used about a tablespoon…..
I typically use regular bananas but sometimes I don’t want to use and clean up my hand mixer. Eventhough I don’t mind it terribly, banana chunks in the hair can be a problem…… this turned out much easier.

I then added 5 drops of Ylang Ylang essential oil. I have used Ylang Ylang many times in pre-shampoo oil treatments, in my not so good Deep conditioners, and find that it always leaves my hair ultra soft and silky.

And these were the results… A very creamy Deep Conditioner. I was very pleased to see how creamy this was and the scent was amazing too.
———-The Results———-

For some reason I decided to just apply the deep conditioner on dry hair. I typically do my deep conditioners on wet hair but this time I detangled first. It wasn’t a really good I idea to detangle on dry hair but I slowly and very carefully did…..with minimal damage I hope.

This is what I had left.. It really wasn’t that much. Considering I had my hair in curls and a brush or detangling comb never touched my hair it for that whole week. This was about a week’s worth of my hair shedding so it really was not that bad compared to other times.
So after all that, I finally applied my concoction and was very pleased with how soft my hair felt with this Baby Banana food Deep Conditioner. I left it in for about 2 hours with a plastic cap while I cleaned and blogged around the house.

After rinsing the deep conditioner out, I followed up with Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose Conditioner. I then spritz my hair with my beloved Aloe Vera / Rose Water MIX as a leave in and air dried.

I did not dry my hair completely, instead I decided to use my Bee Mine Balancing Cream, sealing the moisture with Grapeseed oil and braided my hair into a ponytail while slightly damp.
These were the results the next  morning. I again spritz my hair with my Aloe/Rosewater mist and styled it to the side and off I went for the day.
This is how it behaved most of the day. A lot of shine and softness and not to mention the scent.

My hair stayed moisturized for most of the day. Toward the evening my beat up ends were frizzing up a bit but overall it was a good curly hair day.
 Baby Banana food truly came through and I definitely will stock up on a few more of these, switching my ingredients up as I go along. The great thing about it that it’s a very versatile ingredient in which you can mix and match to suit your hair’s needs.

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I haven’t done a deity of the day post in a while mostly due to how busy I’ve been lately and just haven’t had a deity catch or call my attention lately. Lately however, Mami Wata has been in heavy rotation in terms of me coming across her image every now and then. So I decided to feature her today…..
Mami Wata is one of many African water deities linked with the deep and mysterious depths of the rivers and sea. Spreading throughout the Caribbean and other parts of the world, Mami Wata embodies mermaids, water, snakes and all things beautiful and abundant. Known by many names and characteristics such as Santa Marta la dominadora in the Dominican Republic, La Siren in Haiti, Yemonya in Brazil and many other names and associations throughout the world, she is simply a fierce feminine energy exuding her duality of both seductive beauty and power no matter where or how you may encounter her.
Mami Wata represents many things depending on which part of the world and culture is describing her. Like the sea, she is amazingly vast and mysterious and this is what basically sums up Mami Wata. She is often known for representing sexuality, commerce, prosperity, travels, fertility, domination, protection, health and many other manifestations known to emanate from her energy. Despite her associations with a little bit of every other known water goddess, there still seems to be a unique distinction that represents and sets Mami Wata apart from the rest.
She is typically depicted as a mermaid, half human half fish, which represents her knowledge of the known and unknown worlds.
Beauty In Everything

An enticing seductress and snake charmer, she is often seen as a very powerful woman able to take command and mastery over all situations. Her snakes, usually wrapped around her body held up high over her head, are other attributes Mami Wata possesses. Her domination over snakes represents her ability to dominate and master any obstacle. This is one of the most familiar traits for Mami Wata, being able to dominate.
 This domination however does not come from her desire to “tie down” or dominate a person into a capricious relationship or situation as she can be known for throughout parts of the Caribbean. This domineering persona she is often associated with truly comes from her desire to teach self mastery and domination over one self. Having that true knowledge of self and manifesting that self love and assurance are the real mysteries tied to life and this fabulous Deity.
Her colors are red and white signifying passion and purity. She is a lover of all things shiny, glittery and regal. Mirrors and combs are her favorite as she loves to admire her image and hair.

She is a wise woman, queen of the oceans, healer and fierce protector. She guards over the secrets of divination and spiritual elevation helping those who put their faith in her overcome fears and take dominion over one self for once.


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Incense Burning Part 3

This is the third and final part to my incense burning series in which I will show you the tools I use to burn my loose incense. I pretty much went over the many uses and different types of  incense available as well as the different types of herbs  and incense I use to burn. Before getting into burning loose incense there are a few simple tools you will need. There are also some safety precautions you should take before getting started as well. 
1. Make sure to never touch the charcoal directly once it’s lit. Always pay attention! Never leave your burner unattended.
2. Always place your burner on a heat-resistant surface, such as a trivet or ceramic tile. Depending on what method you’re using the outside of your censer may get very hot.
3. Always keep incense burner in a safe stable area. Keep in mind to always keep curtains and loose article away from your burner.
4. Those with respiratory issues such asthma should take precaution and always burn in a ventilated area.
5. Make sure all your spent incense materials are completely extinguished and cold to the touch, before discarding (i.e. incense, matches, ash, charcoal). Charcoal ash can remain hot for hours after your incense has burned out. Hot incense material can ignite in a wastebasket.
For more Incense Burning safety tips go here.

The Tools               
Charcoal- Since I will be burning loose incense I will be using charcoal. These are rather inexpensive and I usually buy them off a street vendor. However there are a few places where you can check online and they average about $3-5 depending on vendor you purchase from.

Kitchen tweezers–  Once the charcoal is lit you DO NOT want to ever touch the charcoal. Anytime you want to manipulate the charcoal make sure you have your tweezers.

I usually light it here then transfer it to my Can.

Lighter: This type of lighter comes in very handy. You will need something to light your charcoal up which takes a couple of seconds depending on your charcoal. A regular cigarette lighter may work but I find that it’s not resistant enough because you need consistent heat to ignite the charcoal. I find that this lighter is best. $1 at my local dollar store.
It takes several seconds for the charcoal to ignite. Once the charcoal is lit you will see it lightly sprarkle throughout the block.

This lighter keeps my hands and nails safe. I prefer to let my cahrcoal sit on the HEAT PROOF censer then light it. Since charcoal is made of potassium nitrate once you hear it sparkle or sizzle you know it’s already lit. Make sure it’s ignited completely by observing the sparkles.

Censer:  Charcoal can burn up to 1,000 degress or more so it’s important you find a censer for burning incense or a heat resistant container where you will place your charcoal. The Censer is what holds the charcoal in place. There’s a wide variety of different types of censers, you just have to shop around and see which one works best for you.

Screened Censer

Charcoal with Ash
When I first started, I used a regular can with a plate on the bottom for support. Check this link out to give you a better idea of all the different types of burners available. 
Since I prefer homemade things before I invest in anything, I went ahead and got an empty can.
Since the can is not Heat Resistant and can burn to the touch….. 
I placed two heat-oven, microwave proof coffee plates underneath…..


It’s just a regular old empty bean can I cleaned out.

With my kitchen tweezers, I carefully placed the lit charcoal block in the can with the heat resistant plates on the bottom.

Once it’s in the can you can sprinkle you loose incense of choice.

And you are pretty much ready to spread your incense smoke around.
So that’s basically it very simple and effective. Once you start familiarizing yourself with this type of incense you will find that’s it’s very easy and versatile to use. Again this is a great way for you to promote peace in your home as well as purify your space of any negative vibrations.

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It’s official! Since Jan 2. 2011 I have gone cone free. After deciding this past fall to treat my hair with more natural ingredients free of silicones, mineral oil just to name a few, I have been pretty much on my grind in search of the best natural homemade deep conditioner recipes, leave ins, and cone free conditioners. From learning how to read ingredients, differentiate them and getting all the essentials in line, it has truly been a slow but progressing process. 
Going cone free was pretty simple. I used this link to guide me along the basics. I don’t want to say I’m following the curly girl method whole hearted but pretty much picking up on tips along the way. It was getting all of my essential products in line before getting started more of a hassle. On Sunday Jan 2, I did one last wash with a sulfate shampoo (tresemme), added a bit of baking soda and that was it.
Right before shampooing I did a pre shampoo treatment with a mix of oils I have, that way my hair would not dry out too bad. This last shampoo wash thoroughly cleansed and clarified my hair of any silicones, residue etc accumulated on my hair, helping me start fresh on this new natural regimen. It has been about 3 weeks since I have not used any silicone based products and I kid you not by week 1 I noticed a huge difference as far as my curls were concerned.

 I have to say I’m very excited to have finally kick start this hair thing. My goal is pretty much healthy natural hair focusing on thickness. Not just healthy straight heat processed hair but healthy curls and all. I want to embrace my curls, embrace my hair in it’s true natural state this time around.

This past holiday a lot of family members were surprised to see how long and healthy my hair has gotten.

My hair Dec 2010

My camera was acting up in this photo but pretty much this is the current length, I’m loving the length (which is waist length I believe) and progress I have made with my hair since may 2009, especially with straight styles. Since about thanksgiving up until new years eve week, I hit up the salon non stop. I wanted to trim my ends but the stylist who I trust was not around so I decided to hold off.
I found that my hair actually loves silicones and mineral oil but that is just the case when treating the hair with heat, whether it be mild indirect heat with roller setting, or direct heat at the salon. This time I want to get the most from my hair and be able to use natural products for both heat treated and curly hair.
New Year’s eve. I’m in need of a trim, my ends are beat.
Building this hair regimen or any for that matter requires a bit of research especially concerning the products you may want to use.
As I edit this Moptop Maven has an amazing series on how to build not just any regimen but several regimens to suit your needs. Also check this link out as well. It’s very simple once you get an idea as to what you are going to need. Remember that every hair type is different. But for the most part, the following is what I have always used to guide me and can pretty much apply to any hair type.
                             — The Basics—                           

1 Clarifying Shampoo
I’ll be sticking with baking soda adding it to my shampoo mixes. Since I won’t be using too many products, I find that I won’t need to clarify as much. Also Apple Cider Vinegar Rinses will be in the mix.
1 Moisturizing/Sulfate free Shampoo

I’ll be co washing a bit more this time around but when in need of a shampoo I will be using dr bronner’s, diluted with water and oils. I also have been looking into Aubrey Organics Sulfate free shampoo for those on the go days.

1 Moisturizing Conditioner

Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose has been in heavy use. Right now not interested in trying anything else. It’s cone free and all natural and very moisturizing, so definitely a keeper in my regimen.

1 Protein Conditioner

 There are many cone free conditioner out there ranging in all prices. Right now I have vo5 strawberries and cream as my protein conditioner. I actually found this in my stash while cleaning out last fall. It’ cone free, cheap and smells lovely.

1 Moisturizing Deep Conditioner

This is where I tend to have the most fun. It’s kind of hard trying to stick to just one deep conditioner especially when mixing up your own recipes. Recently I did a banana and honey DC with a few drops of Ylang Ylang essential oil. I also tried Shea moisture hair masque in which I have mixed feelings about… will share that review soon.

1 Protein Deep Conditioner
I’ll be sticking with Eggs and Mayo. It’s the best strengthening hair treatment ever. Keeps my hair strong and healthy for weeks. I’ll be doing this once a month or when I notice more hair shedding than usual.
A Leave-in Conditioner

Rose Water and Aloe Juice! I love this leave-in hair mist. It smells divine and leaves my hair ultra soft. My curls have been loving this hair mist and I truly can’t believe how amazing my hair feels after using this. I also have been eyeing giovanni direct leave in, so once I get a chance I may purchase it.

1 Moisturizer

Hands down the best product I have right now!! It does not need a review for me to tell you how much I love this moisturizer. One of my biggest challenge I thought would be finding the ideal daily moisturizer. Not only for the straight styles but for the kinky curls as well. This helped keep my hair ultra moisturized during my weekly beauty salon sessions. And as of late, my curly fro has been loving this. I’ll have a review soon on how I use it and how much I love it.
 Natural Oils

For a while now I have been using Grape seed oil to seal and love it. It’s very light and provides me with a lot of shine without weighing my hair down. I also will be using essential oils like ylang ylang for it’s amazing moisturizing qualities in my Deep Conditioners. Argan Oil which I reviewed recently has truly been a god send, it’s very moisturizing and provides my hair with amazing shine. Amal Oils organic argan oil is what I used during the Holiday to keep my straight hair, silky and frizz free. Coconut oil has also been my favorite and it complements many of my deep conditioners as well.

 So that’sbasically what I have been up to these past several weeks in terms of hair and the endless products I come across. In the meantime this has been my hair these past couple of weeks since going cone free.

This was right before washing. This is how my hair was after a full week of protective styles in a bun.

My curls 3 days in……

 Now that I have gone cone free my curls have come back to life in the middle of winter!

I pretty much spritz with aloe vera juice and rosewater when my curly fro is out, moisturize with bee Mine’s balancing cream seal with grape seed oil and off I go. Last summer I attempted to rock the curly fro but I did not have much luck in terms of my curls cooperating. I dealt with a lot of matting, and always ended up with a tangled dry mess. Which is why I opted for a more natural method this time around.

But recently my curls have been poppin! No tangles or matting.

I’ve never seen my pony tail so thick before. This is what I have been noticing since going cone free I have yet to rollerst which I may get to do this weekend depending on how I may feel. So I think I made a good choice switching my regimen up. I have to say I no longer deal with matting or limp lifeless hair when leaving my curls out. Right now I’m still tweaking my regimen (looking for a new hair gel) but for the most part it has been very simple and notice a difference in terms of my air dired hair retaining moisture.

Soon I’ll have my regimen narrowed down as well as share some Deep Conditiong recipes I have been playing around with……..

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At The Library

One of my  favorite places to visit especially during these cold dark days is the library. It’s the place that kept me out of some trouble during my teens and where I learned many of my favorite beauty recipes and beauty know how.
Since I can remember I always gravitated toward natural health and beauty books. I was intrigued by the wealth of information and curious about all the amazing qualities not only humans posses but the foods, herbs and world around us. 
I first started with the chakras, spirituality and self healing books…..

then gravitated and stayed hooked on beauty books and recipes ever since. Beauty books like Bobbi Brown’s and many more alike catapulted me into makeup and beauty way before beauty blogs became so popular.
I recently stopped by my local library for some inspiration and the 2011 Farmer’s Almanac. It’s truly more than just weather info but other quirky stuff I was curious about too. I picked up a book on eyebrows since I want to wax my own eyebrows very soon. I also got a very interesting book on natural beauty recipes I have been getting a lot of great inspiration and recipes from.

I also picked up this amazing book which I love and have been reading these past cold and snowy days. I’m a huge fan of Traditional Chinese Medicine and this book really simplifies a lot of the complex concepts to Chinese medicine. So far I’ve learned a few interesting things. So don’t neglect your local library. Roam about and see what you find.

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How to use: This product can be applied in three different ways depending on your particular needs:

1st Option: Apply La Plancha after shampoo, leave in hair for 3 to 5 minutes, rinse with warm water. Style as usual

2nd Option: For moderate conditioning, shampoo and towel dry hair. Apply La Plancha from scalp to ends, wrap hair in plastic cap and place under dryer or blower for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Style as usual.

3rd Option: For deeper conditioning and intensive hair repair, after shampooing apply La Plancha, divide hair into sections, wrap each section in aluminum foil. Proceed to heat each section with a professional hair ceramic iron for 30 seconds. Rinse with warm water. Style as usual.

Ingredients: Deionized water, behentimonium methosulphate, cetyl alcohol, propanotriol, cetyl trimethyl ammonium chloride, ciclomethicone, PPG-3 benzyl, eter mirystate, dimethicone, propilene glycol, hidrolized silk protein, fragrance, lanoline, decyl oleate, metyl/propilparaben, ceramide, panthenol, citric acid.

Review: La Plancha Deep Heat Reconstructor seemed like a protein treatment at first because of the way my hair  would feel after air drying. I found however that after a while it was making my hair very soft especially when I would use it with heat as in step 2 followed by flat ironing. I used this almost weekly all of November and December and found that I got more results with flat ironing as opposed to just air drying. I was at the salon every week since thanksgiving day all the way up to new years eve so I needed all the help I could get from this deep heat reconstuctor and it did just the trick.

I was also flat ironing in between so that made it even worse. Although my ends have suffered a bit, my hair overall stayed very healthy and reacted very well to La Plancha. I had been using la plancha since last fall and with no complaints. Throughout my straight hair phase during the holidays I dealt with zero frizz and did not have to moisturize and seal as much.

I wanted to try step 3 but did not find it necessary nor did I get the time to do it. Right now I have gone all natural with my regimen. But if I ever decide to come back to my Dominican hair products La Plancha is definitely on the list as well as their leave-in I was curious about. I find that the more heat you apply to this DC the better. Be it 20 minutes under the dryer or with styles requiring excessive heat, La Plancha  is definitely the product to keep handy.

The scent is very sweet and the texture is a bit creamy but not too thick either. For under 5 bucks at your local Beauty Supply Store, it’s worth every cent. If you use a lot of heat be it blow drying, flat ironing, La plancha can help strengthen your hair while at the same time providing it with adequate moisture. The great thing about this product is that it’s made to withstand heat, hence the product’s name implies (The Iron) making it an ideal Deep Conditioner for those who get a little too happy with heat appliances.

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As mentioned in part 1, I recently got back into burning incense particularly for purification purposes, especially around the house. No home is ever perfect and I don’t know of any person who does not ever strive for one. For me home is where the heart is and positivity within one creates a more powerful unit and individual. Your home is where you retreat from all the different kinds of energy you are exposed to on a daily basis and if at the least, it should be the place where you can come to rest and renew your mind, body and spirit.

The use of smoke or incense to purify and cleanse people, places and things is a very ancient practice. Throughout many cultures, countries and customs, the belief that energy can take hold of your surroundings (aura, business or home) be it positive or negative, was and still is a very prevalent belief. The lives of our ancient ancestors, for the most part, revolved around keeping this energy balanced. They believed that the imbalance of this energy is reflected through illnesses, depression, anger,confusion and lack of will among many.

 Some call it prana, chi, mana, spirit or simply energy. Not only are we filled and surrounded with this energy but so are the things, places and people around us.

No matter what you may call it, this constant flow of potential life, creativity and renewal known as energy exists in all of us. However you may want to manifest your energy depends solely on you. We are constantly emitting this energy by way of our thoughts and actions toward oneself and others. Unfortunately as individuals it’s difficult to control the negative ways of thinking of most people. That’s why it’s so important to cultivate a stronger and more positive mind for one self, helping to lead by example. What you speak, think and act upon ultimately creates your mood, personality, aura and your daily existence.

Your mind, intentions and thoughts are in fact the main components you are trying to put to work here. The incense, resins, charcoal and smoke are just mere tools to help you tap into your subconscious mind where your true, deep desires and true self resides. The conscious mind always needs something tangible to hold on to. More like an affirmation if you will.

Using incense to rid a place of negative vibrations is similar to smudging and an excellent way to clear your surroundings of negative, unfulfilled energy. Smudge sticks are basically dried herbs, most commonly sage, bundled, wrapped and ready to burn. Whether it be a smudge stick or loose incense, the concept of using the smoke to cleanse and purify your home, business or work/personal space is the intention.

Smudge Sticks

Recently my sister moved into a new apartment and I had the opportunity to mix up a few incense concoctions of my own. I find that whenever moving into a new place it’s always good to give the new place not only a physical cleansing but spiritual one as well. This is a simple yet effective way you can rid the place of the last person’s vibrations and program your new home or space with your vibrations and energy which for me is of peace and prosperity.

Here I will show you the wide variety of common herbs I have been using to burn as incense. I find that I like to use fresh herbs. Sometimes I grind them or burn them whole it all depends on how I may feel. Like with most things, herbs carry their own energy field and vibrations. Herbs are also very versatile and carry within them pleasing aromas and unique qualities benefiting the body and spirit. What’s so amazing is that you can basically find these herbs at your local food market or kitchen cupboard.

Here are a few of my favorites:


Rosemary can be burned to purify any space especially those places where illnesses, conflicts and lack of peace persists. Rosemary helps promote positive energy and it’s known to be one of the oldest incenses.  When burned, rosemary helps attract love and lust especially for those seeking love and companionship. Rosemary also promotes healing and mental clarity.


Burn thyme for, healing, purification, courage.

Feeling a little fear about something you are passionate about and want to banish those doubtful thoughts and take the plunge? Then burn a little thyme to give you strength and courage to manifest your your intent, be it a new job, change in life etc.
Thyme is also burned to attract good health, banishes negative energy and uplifts the mind and spirit.
Thyme’s purifying and healing vibrations helps clear an area where  someone is suffering from an illness especially long term illnesses. Ideal for creative work spaces, thyme helps to renew energy and purifies spaces of low energy helping you become more productive and creative in what it is you may be working on. Associated with the planet of love Venus, thyme is very useful for attracting all types of love and peace into the home as well.

Sage is very popular throughout the Native American tradition and ritual of smudging. Sage is an excellent herb to have especially for those starting anew. Be it a new home, relationship, or life decision, sage is a very nice herb to burn especially while meditating on such matters. Sage purifies spaces allowing for more life enhancing energy to flourish. Keeping a sage plant near helps absorb negativity. Sage also promotes wisdom and learning which is a very good vibration to promote in any ambiance.

Rue; Ruda

This is my first time using  ruda. Last year I encountered ruda in candle form and liked it so thought I’d get me a pack just see how well this herb burns. Second to sandalwood, I’m really feeling this herb. When burned, Ruda emits this very soft musky scent that I can’t describe. When I smell it I get this really good vibe and thoughts of comfort always comes to mind. Ruda can be burned to attract love and peace. Associated with blocking all evil, negative and low vibrations ruda is an ideal herb to burn to help purify any area. You can check out my post on ruda for a more detailed description.


Sandalwood has become my favorite and my go to incense recently. I find that I reach for sandalwood most often especially right before meditating. Sandalwood is used for spiritual elevation as well as a very effective calming and soothing scent. I like to use this incense with others like frank and myrrh. It’s a very nice incense to burn for peace of mind ald also promotes luck and prosperity.

Frank And Myrrh

Frankincense is very ancient and associated with spiritual enlightenment. A very potent protective incense helping rid your space of negativity and low vibrations. Frankincense also draws love into your home. Not just love from others but brings out the love from within one self.


You really can’t mention frank without Myrrh. Like Frank, Myrrh posses amazing healing and protective qualities. When paired you have yourself a great incense to burn. I used frank and myrrh during the holidays, when I had all sorts of people, moods and energy roaming about.
Myrrh promotes love and peace as well.

When it comes to incense the possibilities are endless. Familiarizing yourself with each scent is key since you learn how to  pick up each herb’s different vibration. I find that I can tolerate softer scents like sandalwood and ruda. I find that sage, frank and myrrh are rather strong in terms of how I feel and sense each.

I intended for this post to be a two part series but since I did not want to cram everything into one post I decided to add a third part. Next post will basically cover the basic tools you will need and mention a few basic safety precautions before you get started.

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
The Complete Book Of Incense, Oils and Brews
Via Tumblr

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I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday. My mini hiatus was great in my own special mellow way. I rested and stayed away from a computer for a full seven days at one point. It was a little weird not being on the computer at the same time very relaxing. I really needed the mental vacation to help breed more ideas and inspirations.

I’m glad to be back and get back into the groove of blogging. Christmas was low key and quiet with my grandmother’s amazing food, while new year’s was chocolate cake and a kiss at the stroke of midnight. I couldn’t ask for more. In between I did some shopping not only for me but for one lucky follower as well. I also started my cone free regimen and bought some goodies for that too. As far as new year’s resolutions, I don’t indulge in resolutions really, because personally for me every new day is a chance for me to start fresh.

 So I have been building my arsenal for my new regimen bit by bit.  Here is a mini haul from my recent trip to the natural health food store.
Aloe Vera Juice– Using this to experiment with a new leave in hair mist /experimenting with Aloe Vera juice for health purposes too
Shea Butter– My daily moisturizer and for Body scrubs
Honey– For my facials, Deep Conditioners and Body Scrubs
Rosewater– First time using rosewater and so far my hair and skin is loving it. Currently using rosewater as a toner.
Oolong Tea– Decided to switch it up a bit from white tea and currently sipping on oolong tea.

 I also stopped by target and walmart and briefly purchased something from BEE Mine which I love and have a huge wish list too. I’ll show you that haul in another post.

Anyway, I did some accessories shopping recently and had you lovely ladies in mind and here is what I picked up just for you:

Remember my post on accessories I’m loving? Well I got my hands on that evil eye ring!

Along with that I was able to snatch up 2 of the very coveted wet n wild palettes. These things are hard to come by it’s insane…. I got vanity and pride.
So as you can see they are included in this New Year Giveaway I will be having!

along with some cute evil eye studs and fancy flower studs too!

And I got a few hoop earrings and evil eye bracelets to go with the ring as well.
So to show my appreciation 1 lucky follower will be able to get their hands on all these goodies.
Giveaway Rules:

Open for US and International Entries

Follow Hell Notes for Beauty

Leave a comment telling me you want in!

Giveaway Ends January 31st

Winner will be announced via Random.org

For extra Entries:

Blog about the giveaway on your blog or place on sidebar

Simply leave a comment telling me you did, so it can count as an extra entry.

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