
Archive for the ‘Spirituality’ Category

Recently while stocking up on incense I got the usual (Frank, Myrrh, Sandalwood) but this time I wanted to try something else and decided to try Dragon’s Blood. I’ve heard of dragon’s blood incense before but never really got around to getting it, this time I picked up a small sample pack of resins for about 3 bucks.

Dragon’s blood resins has been known to be used for a variety of uses such as medicinal and spiritual. The resin, comes from a variety of the plant species known as Daemonorops draco, and many others known throughout Africa, Europe and other parts of the world. Dragon’s Blood is known to heal wounds, treat intestinal disorders as well as an ideal dye for a variety of things from wool to varnishes.
Dragon’s Blood spiritual aspects are associated with protection. It is a very potent incense to burn to help overcome all types of negativity. While clearing my house be it for an intended purpose or when I feel like my house needs a little positive and productive energy boost, I typically reach for Frank and Myrrh. I find that they help balance the energy around the house, helping maintain a calm and peaceful environment. Dragon’s blood can also be very useful for this purpose as well, especially if you find the energy around you to be stagnant, chaotic, confusing or just plain draining.
Dragon’s Blood incense can be a very potent incense to have as I have come to learn. Ruled by the fiery planet of mars associated with fire and war, dragon’s blood can be a very beneficial incense to burn for protection from all types of low and non productive energy.
Dragon’s blood scent reminds me of camphor which has this very sterile almost medicinal scent to it. It’s really not the ideal incense to burn just for the scent, which is why it’s typically used for cleansing rituals. It is said that dragon’s blood helps enhance vibrations which is why I typically mix it with sandalwood. Sandalwood is mostly to purify whereas Dragon’s blood is meant to repel and banish.
Since it’s just me and my boyfriend in my home and I seldom have much people over, I don’t really need to do a house clearing very often. Usually once or twice a month helps maintain that positive balance we strive for on a daily basis. On the other hand many of my family members maintain a very active household where sometimes the energy can be a bit chaotic. This past weekend I was petitioned by my cousin to do a little house clearing for her since she got word from my sister on how well it went for her the last time I did a house clearing at her house.
I immediately put dragon’s blood to work along with frank and myrrh for a triple dose of protective energy. I then followed the mix with sandalwood which helps balance Dragon’s blood rather sterile scent. Sandalwood’s sweet scent helps purify while creating a pleasing and soothing aroma.
While burning dragon’s blood you can’t help but be mesmerized by the rich red color the resin burns into. So if you are a bit curious about incense and their ability to help shift energy around you, don’t be afraid to grab some dragon’s blood incense and see how well it can work for you.

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As mentioned in part 1, I recently got back into burning incense particularly for purification purposes, especially around the house. No home is ever perfect and I don’t know of any person who does not ever strive for one. For me home is where the heart is and positivity within one creates a more powerful unit and individual. Your home is where you retreat from all the different kinds of energy you are exposed to on a daily basis and if at the least, it should be the place where you can come to rest and renew your mind, body and spirit.

The use of smoke or incense to purify and cleanse people, places and things is a very ancient practice. Throughout many cultures, countries and customs, the belief that energy can take hold of your surroundings (aura, business or home) be it positive or negative, was and still is a very prevalent belief. The lives of our ancient ancestors, for the most part, revolved around keeping this energy balanced. They believed that the imbalance of this energy is reflected through illnesses, depression, anger,confusion and lack of will among many.

 Some call it prana, chi, mana, spirit or simply energy. Not only are we filled and surrounded with this energy but so are the things, places and people around us.

No matter what you may call it, this constant flow of potential life, creativity and renewal known as energy exists in all of us. However you may want to manifest your energy depends solely on you. We are constantly emitting this energy by way of our thoughts and actions toward oneself and others. Unfortunately as individuals it’s difficult to control the negative ways of thinking of most people. That’s why it’s so important to cultivate a stronger and more positive mind for one self, helping to lead by example. What you speak, think and act upon ultimately creates your mood, personality, aura and your daily existence.

Your mind, intentions and thoughts are in fact the main components you are trying to put to work here. The incense, resins, charcoal and smoke are just mere tools to help you tap into your subconscious mind where your true, deep desires and true self resides. The conscious mind always needs something tangible to hold on to. More like an affirmation if you will.

Using incense to rid a place of negative vibrations is similar to smudging and an excellent way to clear your surroundings of negative, unfulfilled energy. Smudge sticks are basically dried herbs, most commonly sage, bundled, wrapped and ready to burn. Whether it be a smudge stick or loose incense, the concept of using the smoke to cleanse and purify your home, business or work/personal space is the intention.

Smudge Sticks

Recently my sister moved into a new apartment and I had the opportunity to mix up a few incense concoctions of my own. I find that whenever moving into a new place it’s always good to give the new place not only a physical cleansing but spiritual one as well. This is a simple yet effective way you can rid the place of the last person’s vibrations and program your new home or space with your vibrations and energy which for me is of peace and prosperity.

Here I will show you the wide variety of common herbs I have been using to burn as incense. I find that I like to use fresh herbs. Sometimes I grind them or burn them whole it all depends on how I may feel. Like with most things, herbs carry their own energy field and vibrations. Herbs are also very versatile and carry within them pleasing aromas and unique qualities benefiting the body and spirit. What’s so amazing is that you can basically find these herbs at your local food market or kitchen cupboard.

Here are a few of my favorites:


Rosemary can be burned to purify any space especially those places where illnesses, conflicts and lack of peace persists. Rosemary helps promote positive energy and it’s known to be one of the oldest incenses.  When burned, rosemary helps attract love and lust especially for those seeking love and companionship. Rosemary also promotes healing and mental clarity.


Burn thyme for, healing, purification, courage.

Feeling a little fear about something you are passionate about and want to banish those doubtful thoughts and take the plunge? Then burn a little thyme to give you strength and courage to manifest your your intent, be it a new job, change in life etc.
Thyme is also burned to attract good health, banishes negative energy and uplifts the mind and spirit.
Thyme’s purifying and healing vibrations helps clear an area where  someone is suffering from an illness especially long term illnesses. Ideal for creative work spaces, thyme helps to renew energy and purifies spaces of low energy helping you become more productive and creative in what it is you may be working on. Associated with the planet of love Venus, thyme is very useful for attracting all types of love and peace into the home as well.

Sage is very popular throughout the Native American tradition and ritual of smudging. Sage is an excellent herb to have especially for those starting anew. Be it a new home, relationship, or life decision, sage is a very nice herb to burn especially while meditating on such matters. Sage purifies spaces allowing for more life enhancing energy to flourish. Keeping a sage plant near helps absorb negativity. Sage also promotes wisdom and learning which is a very good vibration to promote in any ambiance.

Rue; Ruda

This is my first time using  ruda. Last year I encountered ruda in candle form and liked it so thought I’d get me a pack just see how well this herb burns. Second to sandalwood, I’m really feeling this herb. When burned, Ruda emits this very soft musky scent that I can’t describe. When I smell it I get this really good vibe and thoughts of comfort always comes to mind. Ruda can be burned to attract love and peace. Associated with blocking all evil, negative and low vibrations ruda is an ideal herb to burn to help purify any area. You can check out my post on ruda for a more detailed description.


Sandalwood has become my favorite and my go to incense recently. I find that I reach for sandalwood most often especially right before meditating. Sandalwood is used for spiritual elevation as well as a very effective calming and soothing scent. I like to use this incense with others like frank and myrrh. It’s a very nice incense to burn for peace of mind ald also promotes luck and prosperity.

Frank And Myrrh

Frankincense is very ancient and associated with spiritual enlightenment. A very potent protective incense helping rid your space of negativity and low vibrations. Frankincense also draws love into your home. Not just love from others but brings out the love from within one self.


You really can’t mention frank without Myrrh. Like Frank, Myrrh posses amazing healing and protective qualities. When paired you have yourself a great incense to burn. I used frank and myrrh during the holidays, when I had all sorts of people, moods and energy roaming about.
Myrrh promotes love and peace as well.

When it comes to incense the possibilities are endless. Familiarizing yourself with each scent is key since you learn how to  pick up each herb’s different vibration. I find that I can tolerate softer scents like sandalwood and ruda. I find that sage, frank and myrrh are rather strong in terms of how I feel and sense each.

I intended for this post to be a two part series but since I did not want to cram everything into one post I decided to add a third part. Next post will basically cover the basic tools you will need and mention a few basic safety precautions before you get started.

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
The Complete Book Of Incense, Oils and Brews
Via Tumblr

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Saturn Return

There’s always going to be a time in your life where you come to a point when you start to question every life decision you have made by far. Whether it be career, relationships or just plain life, destiny will find a way for you to face your life for what you have made it worth. In some cases if you are fearless, you will take the initiative to renew your life, while others don’ fully come around to accepting destiny and the changes it will inevitably bring.
Depending on where you are in your life, this can be life and Saturn Return meeting at the crossroads.

“The Saturn Return is an astrological phenomenon that occurs at the ages of 27-30, 58-60, 86-88, etc., coinciding with the time it takes the planet Saturn to make one orbit around the sun. It is believed by astrologers that as Saturn “returns” to the degree occupied at the time of birth—approximately every 29.5 years—a person crosses over a major threshold and into the next stage of life. With the first Saturn Return, a person leaves youth behind and enters adulthood. With the second Return, maturity. And the third and usually final Return, a person enters wise old age.” Source

Astrology is much more intricate than just simply knowing a person’s sun sign. For those who are a bit familiar with astrology know that planets, their positions, degrees etc, can influence different aspects of your daily existence. Your sign is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of you being a reflection of the entire universe. One very interesting concept in astrology that has intrigued me since memory is the life changing event known as the Saturn return, perhaps the most important life stage for many individuals.

 Saturn return is when the planet Saturn places itself in the same position it was on the day you were born, (hence Saturn return) making it’s way through a very critical age and point in your life. You’re almost 30 or you’re already there, when suddenly all these questions come at you. The first one usually is oh no I’m almost 30 what am I going to do? Which leads to more questions…Is your relationship worth it anymore? Is you career heading anywhere? Maybe you wan to start a family? Maybe end a relationship? or simply start a new life? The questions and uncertainties can become endless.

Throughout both mythology and astrology the planet Saturn has been heavily associated with depression, darkness, karma, time, death, discipline and even the devil. So it seems rather convenient this very ideal planet would want to debut right before you hit the big 30. Saturn is known for being a stern and unforgiving disciplinarian taking on the role of father figure as well. Those who are at the brink of their first Saturn return usually deal with this planet’s often misunderstood qualities. When touching on the subject of Saturn you deal with discipline, responsibility and maturity. These are perhaps the three major things many come to learn (the hard way) throughout their Saturn return.

Generally throughout life, questions and life changing decisions arise, but something about Saturn being involved turns it into a near life crisis. The first phase of Saturn’s return can be a rather difficult and confusing one. Some people during their Saturn return deal with traumatic events which can lead to depression and dark outlook on life. Others on the contrary can with persistence reach their highest potential during Saturn’s trying times.

 Saturn being a disciplinarian, will create major shifts and changes forcing you to look inward. It will make you question every aspect of yourself so you can find solutions from within yourself, giving a higher purpose to those nagging but yet significant questions.

Crossing over any threshold can create a life of fear and paralyze you into a life you may be giving into for the sake of avoiding change. Saturn forces you however to see yourself for who you are in the raw and if you are not comfortable with who you are, the battle to accept it can turn into a very bitter and regretful life.
Saturn teaches you self development by throwing hard knock life decisions at you which pushes you towards the edge of self discovery. If you dare to deny yourself the opportunity for growth it can lead to an agonizing and consuming experience.
Saturn Return not only affects regular folk like you and I but throughout the celebrity world, Saturn return seems to be a very familiar life theme as well. Known as The 27 club, it is believed that many artists especially musicians have died at the age of 27, an age where not only were they at the height of their careers but also at the front of their Saturn return.
Despite all the astrology and urban legend associated with Saturn return, all life experiences at all ages can ultimately take you to the brink of pure success or failure. It all depends on how realistic you want to be with yourself in terms of mastering the many tasks life may place your way……

Read more on Saturn Return:

The Astral World

Elizabeth Spring


Surviving Saturn’s Return By Sherene Schostak, Stefanie Iris Weiss

Image source: Beautyineverything.com

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 Peace, courage, ideas and inspirations originates in the mind. A focused and rooted mind can achieve many things.
Meditation has for ages, been known to be a very beneficial technique used to help focus the mind and balance your overall well being.
 Centering your mind, by way of meditation can not only benefit the way you think and attract things into your life, but it can also help you achieve a comfortable state of balance and self recognition. The mind is an attractive mind (not a good looking one). I mean the type that pulls things into your consciousness, daily life and daily existence. The mind is like a magnet, pulling in the energy it captures from emotions, words and attitudes from all around and within us. Some say that the world is a reflection of your mind and it’s thoughts. I tend to believe that, since everyone in their own mind, has a different perspective when it comes to how they perceive and view the world. 
Some meditate to center a scattered mind, to help them focus their thoughts, reach a level of spirituality and of course, to simply experience a few moments of peace and solitude. However, when most think of meditation (especially when I started considering meditation) most tend to  think, “oh boring, quiet sessions secluded with no interaction.” 
Despite this common way of looking at it, meditation doesn’t always have to be boring, quiet or secluded. For me however, I have to have some level of alone and quiet time. No phone calls, visits or plans just me taking time out to free myself of any influences. This is important because you have to know when your voice is talking to you as opposed to other people’s opinions and ideas about you. Especially true when it comes to life changing/making decisions.
  Mundane tendencies, negativity and  fear can at times prevent you from taking the moment to discover who you truly are and the decisions you wish to make for yourself. Meditation can help you realize these fears and face them, all the while helping you focus on the steps you will take to confront and resolve them.These are just some of the tools meditation can be useful for.
Like with most things in life, you will most often than not struggle with obstacles, same with meditation. Mindless chatter, the bills, MAC, work, shea butter and just plain mundane thoughts will cross your mind. This mindless chatter can be a good thing because it can help bring to surface what it is you are dealing with. This is why it is important to master these fleeting thoughts because at times it can take up your whole meditation session. Sometimes when meditating I can get caught up trying to tackle each thought but I always bring myself back to adjusting them
As I mentioned  some find it boring, but you don’t always have to look at it that way. There are many things you can incorporate into your meditation sessions. You don’t have to sit in a certain position as the pictures above. Any place and time that you can claim for yourself and shut your eye for a few moments with the intention of freeing and discovering your mind to more fruitful and beneficial thoughts, ideas and vibrations is the goal (at least for me).
Recently I have noticed that visualization helps. It helps me stay focused on what I’m meditating on. I simply started off with a peacock feather I had. I imagined and visualized the colors and the animal it belonged to, then an intruding thought came to mind, but the colors in my mind were so tempting that I did not get caught up on the thought and all that it entails, instead I drifted back into to my visual. Not only did I not forget my goal (the feather) I also did not let the mindless chatter take over entirely.
Right before my meditation sessions, I like to listen to music but recently I have been intrigued with aromatherapy. As you may know, I have been meaning to buy an essential oil burner when I mentioned it here.
So recently after browsing walmart’s Fragrance Oils section, I came across this oil burner on clearance for 4 bucks! As a beginner I found this to be a great deal.
 It’s very simple in terms of using it. There was a wide selection but I stuck with the white ceramic plate design which just sits on the 4 legs.
As you can see the round part on the lower level of the ceramic plate is where
you will place your votive candle to warm the top portion of the plate.
Once you have placed your votive candle…. You want to add water to the top portion of the plate. The water will act as your carrier if you will, since you don’t want to burn the essential oil directly, you want to have water to help diffuse the aroma instead.

Once that is done it all depends on your mood, time and of course oil of choice. Aromatherapy is just one of the avenues to help you become more familiar with meditation. Not only can aromatherapy help you create an ambiance it can help you naturally have your house smelling good anytime too!
I have been using about 2 drops of each oil alone because I want to familiarize myself with each scent before I start mixing. Right now, Ylang Ylang and Lavender Oil have been on heavy rotation. Soon, I have to get my hands on vanilla and some other scents as well.
So give yourself some time, find a quiet space where you can interact with the realized you.
***Please make sure to never leave candles unattended****
For more info 
on how to use an oil burner View this Clip
Essential Aromatherapy: A pocket guide to essential oils and aromatherapy
 By Susan E. Wormwood, Valerie Ann Worwood
The Aromatherapy Bible: A definitive guide to using essential oils
By Gill Farrer Halls

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 Getting to know essential oils, the processes and the many uses you can get out of them can truly be a fascinating experience. So many chemicals exist in our everyday products which can be absorbed by the skin and creep into our bodies by way of the circulatory system. This can expose you to unknown toxins and potentially unknown health effects as well.
 This is why I have come to love Essential oils. They can be very versatile and the healing qualities each oil possesses naturally provides you with many benefits, both internally and externally. Ylang-Ylang is my new oil and has this very sweet floral aroma, every time I smell it, it’s as if the boyfriend just got me the most amazing bouquet of flowers!
Ylang Ylang is a very aromatic tropical plant with it’s essential oil serving many benefits for the mind, body and spirit.
 Beauty wise, Ylang Ylang is an ideal oil for most skin types (especially for those with oily skin) because it helps balance oil production of the skin while at the same time getting rid of the harmful bacteria that breeds pimples, thanks to ylang-ylang’s antiseptic properties. Ylang-Ylang is said to treat against hair loss and is a great moisturizer for the hair, making it an ideal oil for any of your favorite hair treatments and scalp massages (diluted of course).

Ylang Ylang is a well known aphrodisiac lending itself to encourage you to lose your inhibitions and embrace your sensual exotic side. It’s a great scent for couples who are looking to set the mood or if you notice you need to spice things up a bit between your relationship and daily routines.
Health wise, ylang ylang also helps ease the nervous system lessening tension, anxiety and promoting a peaceful, and calming ambiance. Thanks to it’s calming and sedative qualities, ylang helps those with high blood pressure as well as calm insomniacs down to a point where they may actually desire sleep.
This oil also treats symptoms of depression helping you open yourself to deeper understandings of yourself, while abolishing negative thoughts and feelings associated with self hate and lack of self worth. It opens your spirit and heart to acceptance of who you truly are in this world helping you exude love, especially realized love from within.
I made another small batch of my vitamin E body scrub, this time using Ylang-Ylang (2 drops) and it was truly a very nice and clean scent. I’m also looking to buy an oil burner here are a few I had in mind:
Remember to always dilute your oils in carrier/base oils. Essential oils are very concentrated and should never be used directly on the skin. Always make sure you do a patch test to make sure you are not allergic or sensitive to avoid irritation. If used in excess, ylang-ylang may cause headaches and nausea.
These Essential oils and carrier oils can be found at your local natural health store like Vitamin shoppe, GNC and I’m sure there are many vendors online in which you can feel comfortable purchasing from.
More Info
The Healing Trail: Essential Oils of Madagascar By Georges M. Halpern, Peter Weverka
Magical aromatherapy: the power of scent By Scott Cunningham
Flower and Tree Magic: Discover the Natural Enchantment Around You By Richard Webster

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Essential oils have been around for ages and used for many purposes throughout the world. Through the process of distillation essential oils are derived from any particular plant providing you with an array of scents and uses. Like colors, each scent has its unique vibration and it is said that the vibration each scent carries is determined by the kind of plant it is, the environment the plant was exposed to and other factors giving the essential oil its many unique qualities.
The part of the brain associated with scent is the limbic system. The oldest system of the brain and a very intricate, precise system that governs your moods and emotions. Ever smelled something that instantly takes your feelings back in time? Well, that’s the limbic system at work. Sex, anger, fear and many emotions are governed by the limbic system and that’s where aromatherapy plays it’s role. Aromatherapy is a form of therapeutic medicine using essential oils to help deal with not only emotional but health issues as well.
Essential oils can be used for many things concerning beauty. You can use essential oils in facials, as a perfume, and in many of your hair treatments. If you have a stubborn pimple, dabbing a little bit of tea tree oil will help minimize it’s size as well as kill the bacteria that formed it in the first place. Tea tree oil is also great for those who deal with dandruff, while garlic oil not only kills bacteria, but also helps with hair growth as well. Basically there are many types of oils great for your hair and skin needs.
Essential oils can also be used to enhance your spiritual power by way of your desired intent. Essential oils are used in spiritual baths, candles and can be worn as a scent to enhance you intent and the oils magical qualities.
However before you head out and get all oil crazy it is important that you understand that essential oils are pure and highly concentrated so contact with direct skin can be very irritating. This is where a carrier oil comes in.

A carrier oil is safe enough to use directly on the skin and it’s role is to help dilute the essential oil since it’s so concentrated. There are many types of carrier oils and most are vegetable based although there are known animal oils such as emu oil. Carrier oils are generally odorless and many have countless uses with an array of benefits for the skin and hair. Some carrier oils you can use are sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, rose hip oil and many more. Essential oils can be a great way for you to create your own signature scent while at the same time benefiting from it’s therapeutic qualities. In terms of blending your oils, you want to take into consideration how potent you want your scent to be as well as some basic understanding of notes.
The Notes
-Top Notes-
ex. Cinnamon, Orange, Eucalyptus
The majority of essential oils are classified as top notes. Top notes evaporate fast. They are fresh and uplifting in nature.

-Middle Notes-
ex.Chamomile, Rosemary, Lavender
Middle notes normally give that extra punch to the blend and have a balancing effect.
They are very soft in nature.
-Base Notes-
ex. Clove, Jasmine, Myrrh
Base notes are very heavy, the scent is very solid, and will linger for a long time. These fragrances are very intense, rich and relaxing in nature.

So here are a few oils I have been collecting along the way and some of the things I have learned about them:

I can not tolerate not even one drop of this oil. It just drives me insane and simply can not work with it no matter how much I try. Despite the smell I can’t stand, Patchouli has many great medicinal qualities especially for the skin. Patchouli is very popular with treating depression and emotional problems. It helps lift your mood while at the same time serving it’s purpose as an aphrodisiac. So if you are dealing with impotency and/or depression patchouli is the way to go.  Patchouli is also a fungicide helping eliminate fungus such as athletes foot, jock itch or any fungus in general. Patchouli also helps regenerate the skin cells and promotes healing and fading of scars. Eczema as well as psoriasis, sores and the like can be treated with patchouli.
Patchouli is a great grounding oil helping your mind to calm and ground itself. It is also known as an attraction oil  used to attract prosperity, money, love etc as well as help calm an argumentative person.

Black Pepper
I went out on the hunt for this oil mostly for it’s magical uses, however this oil has an array of great medicinal benefits especially for those dealing with arthritis and digestive issues. Black pepper stimulates not only the digestive system but also stimulates circulation helping rid the body of harmful toxins. Black pepper is also antibacterial and antioxidant. Helps cure infections of the mouth, sores as well as harmful bacteria living throughout the digestive tract. Black pepper also plays a role in anti aging by protecting cells from free radical damage while also repairing them at the same time, thus improving the onset of wrinkles. In magical uses black pepper is popular with increasing courage and alertness. Also it is a great oil to use for protection against negative energy like the evil eye etc.
lavender Oil
This oil is my favorite and I use it a lot too. It really helps calm me and gives me this airy feeling. I also like to use it in my hair and body scrub concoctions since the scent lingers for a very long time. Lavender oil is both antibacterial and antifungal making it ideal for preserving my homemade beauty mixes. Like patchouli, lavender oil also treats depression, minus the strong scent. It treats all types of sadness, anxiety, headaches and also helps calm and center your mind and thoughts. For insomniacs lavender oil can be a great start to help you fall asleep since it is such a calming oil. Beauty wise, lavender oil works against wrinkles, pimples, psoriasis as well as providing pain relief when used in massages of joints etc. For magical purposes Lavender oil promotes peace and tranquility in the home. Also if worn as a scent it promotes peace of mind and treats all types of emotional sadness.

Ginger Oil

I have not yet ventured into using ginger oil but I’m very familiar with the fascinating medicinal properties ginger itself has. I love ginger tea with honey especially if I feel my Sinuses are abut to act up. If I’m feeling car sick or just have a stomach ache I usually go for a Ginger tea. Also when feeling my stomach upset I reach for ginger ale soda and it usually does the trick. Basically ginger is great to help fight the flu as well as with depression, migraines anxiety. Ginger  has also been attributed to treating cancer and when used in a massage oil helps relieve arthritis pain. Ginger also promotes courage and abundance of money when sprinkled on wallet or around your business, basically anywhere you would like money to follow.
Clove Oil

My boyfriend calls this the dental oil because he says it reminds of the dental office. In fact clove oil is used in many dental products to help mask bad breath and also treat painful toothaches temporarily numbing the area. Clove oil is also antimicrobial, antifungal and antiseptic making it ideal for treating all types of fungus such as athletes foot, infections, cuts wounds, acne and even mosquito bites. Clove oil is antiviral making it very useful for respiratory issues (asthma, sinus), boosting the immune system as well as being a great blood purifier. Clove oil is also great with dealing with stress, migraines, headaches and also like lavender oil, calms you down and helps insomniacs with their sleep. Magically clove oil is great for driving away negative energy as well as a great scent to help promote healing and prosperity.

These are just some of the oils I have collected and worked with along the way. There are many recipes online in which you can add some of these oils into your desired concoctions. I’m going to post some great beauty, magical and medicinal recipes you can make yourself. Whether it be for health, prosperity of just plain curiosity essential oils are a great way for you to start venturing into their never ending uses.

Here you can find more info on oils and their wide range of uses:

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Peace and tranquility are two things many are unfamiliar with considering all the daily hassles and stress one has to deal with on a daily basis.

Trying to maintain a harmonious environment whether it be at home, work or just within yourself in general, can at times be a daunting task. This is where you can start putting to practice the power of your intentions to work in conjunction with candles, colors and of course your mind. White is a color that is heavily associated with peace, tranquility, purification and renewal. However any color can represent this for you. Each color has it’s own vibration and the way you perceive that vibration is unique to you so basically any color should work to help materialize your intent for peace and tranquility.
But for the sake of understanding I will use white for its standard meaning as a color that represents peace and purification. Everyone is familiar with candles in terms of setting a mood. When working with candles you are basically doing the same thing but this time you will focus and gear that mood toward your desired intent.

  Purifying your mind of negative thoughts can be rather liberating. For example, putting yourself down, constantly in conflict with yourself and others, or just simply lacking confidence can be stagnant and non productive energies that exist because usually our negative ways of thinking let them strive and become a part of our daily existence. 
Your intent, visualization and the candle are the three main things you will be focusing on.
Many are truly unaware of the latent powers their mind can have. What your mind puts out into the universe in the form of actions, spoken words and your most intimate thinking can influence your surroundings. Like a magnet the mind pulls all the scattered fragments existing in the universe and creates a reality by way of your thoughts, intentions. That is why it is very important to consider the way one thinks about not only others but most importantly oneself.
If you have belief in the power of your intent you automatically set your energy into positiveness. If however you are doubting that this will help you before you even buy the candle nothing will become of it. Because it is not the candle that will manifest but your thoughts, belief, faith, in yourself and what you are about to do. The real power lives within you. The candle is just a mere tool used to speak, awaken, focus and center your subconscious mind.
When I feel that things in my house are a little shifty, a lot of stress at work or I just need to purify my thoughts I usually grab a white candle. Candles can be a great medium for meditation. This helps you quiet your mind and pay attention to those things that may be causing disturbances in your life. With the rushed lifestyle many tend to live, there is little time to sit and thoroughly think things through which usually leads to unfulfilled decisions time and time again.
There are many ways you can enhance your intent not only by using candles but also essential oils can be a great tool in addition to candles. Essential oils are not merely just limited to aromatherapy. Essential oils actually are a magical system unto themselves as well. One of my favorite Essential oil to use for purification and peace is hands down Lavender oil. Just putting a drop or two into your candle can instantly transform the mood and air in your room.
Lavender oil is pretty much the oil to use when seeking out peace and tranquility. Whether it be for yourself or your environment, Lavender oil by far is my favorite oil for rest and relaxation. Incorporating Lavender oil to your candle or even on yourself as a scent, can help ease stress, tension, headaches, insomnia just simply a great oil to purify and uplift your energy.  Lavender oil has many protective qualities against negative vibrations and situations surrounding you as well.
The point is visualizing your intent for peace and tranquility. Creating an atmosphere of quiet thinking for yourself is important with or without the aid of a candle. Organizing and helping bring your thoughts into manifestation can help you go through things with ease and focused intent.

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Candles and magic are two of the most ancient practices known to humans and both aspects have been used to manifest an array of powers latent and existing within ourselves and the planet. Candles are primarily used to create an environment, an ambiance or to the most basic, in case the lights go out. But little do people know the great powers your mind coupled with your intentions, a few candles and colors can achieve.

Attraction is a powerful potential and we use it everyday in the ways we speak, think, dress and express ourselves. When working with candles intent and attraction are your two main goals. The candle is what you are going to use to focus your intent and manifest the energy you intend to put out. The mind if you (Real eyes) attracts many things whether it be negative or positive it is ultimately up to you as to how you may want to direct that energy.

Just like you light a candle to attract peace, love, health, and, prosperity and it comes back to you in abundance, so can negative thoughts and intentions manifest itself and find its way right back to its originator. Just remember that energy cannot be destroyed whatever you intend to put out will find its way right back to you be it good or bad.

Magic should always be used to benefit you and your surroundings. Never harm anyone. If someone or something is causing imbalance in your life , whether it be a gossiping neighbor or a conspiring co-worker look into yourself and ask what is it about YOU that attracts these type of people and/or situations.

This is where candles and magic becomes a great self help tool. A great tool because like meditation, what you are trying to do is focus your intentions, manifest them, and ultimately achieve results. What may be results for you may not become results for me. For me results may be a candle for my aura, health or peace. Whatever your intent it is unique to you. Basically what you are doing is attracting good and positive things relative to you.

 It has been understood that colors, symbols and aromas are all magical systems unto themselves waiting to correspond with your intent, what you desire to attract. Colors are present in our daily lives and most of the times we dress in colors based the way we may feel on a certain day or what kind of mood you feel in. So it can be very interesting to notice what colors correspond for what aspect of your intent and how we can use them to benefit our everyday lives.

Red promotes courage, strength, enthusiasm, love, sex

Orange Promotes, honesty, integrity, attraction, adaptability

Yellow represents friendship, communication, strength

Green promotes fertility, healing, happiness, money

Blue promotes honesty, sincerity, thoughtfulness, spirituality

Purple power, spirituality, ambition healing

White purity, honesty, truth,innocence
Pink love, romance, hope, marriage

Gray wisdom, maturity, common sense

Brown practicality, feet on ground, steady progress

The candle also represents all four elements:

Flame = fire

wax = symbolizes water

smoke =air

candle= symbolizes earth

There are many ways you can use and work with these elements.

There are also hundreds of types of candles from plain ones to decorated ones, to scented candles and pull out candles. There are many varities in which you can experiment with in terms of the candles, scent and purpose you wish to use it for. You can also use essential oils to “dress” or anoint your candles with your desired intent and aroma relative to what you wish to achieve.

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