
Archive for the ‘Incense’ Category

Recently while stocking up on incense I got the usual (Frank, Myrrh, Sandalwood) but this time I wanted to try something else and decided to try Dragon’s Blood. I’ve heard of dragon’s blood incense before but never really got around to getting it, this time I picked up a small sample pack of resins for about 3 bucks.

Dragon’s blood resins has been known to be used for a variety of uses such as medicinal and spiritual. The resin, comes from a variety of the plant species known as Daemonorops draco, and many others known throughout Africa, Europe and other parts of the world. Dragon’s Blood is known to heal wounds, treat intestinal disorders as well as an ideal dye for a variety of things from wool to varnishes.
Dragon’s Blood spiritual aspects are associated with protection. It is a very potent incense to burn to help overcome all types of negativity. While clearing my house be it for an intended purpose or when I feel like my house needs a little positive and productive energy boost, I typically reach for Frank and Myrrh. I find that they help balance the energy around the house, helping maintain a calm and peaceful environment. Dragon’s blood can also be very useful for this purpose as well, especially if you find the energy around you to be stagnant, chaotic, confusing or just plain draining.
Dragon’s Blood incense can be a very potent incense to have as I have come to learn. Ruled by the fiery planet of mars associated with fire and war, dragon’s blood can be a very beneficial incense to burn for protection from all types of low and non productive energy.
Dragon’s blood scent reminds me of camphor which has this very sterile almost medicinal scent to it. It’s really not the ideal incense to burn just for the scent, which is why it’s typically used for cleansing rituals. It is said that dragon’s blood helps enhance vibrations which is why I typically mix it with sandalwood. Sandalwood is mostly to purify whereas Dragon’s blood is meant to repel and banish.
Since it’s just me and my boyfriend in my home and I seldom have much people over, I don’t really need to do a house clearing very often. Usually once or twice a month helps maintain that positive balance we strive for on a daily basis. On the other hand many of my family members maintain a very active household where sometimes the energy can be a bit chaotic. This past weekend I was petitioned by my cousin to do a little house clearing for her since she got word from my sister on how well it went for her the last time I did a house clearing at her house.
I immediately put dragon’s blood to work along with frank and myrrh for a triple dose of protective energy. I then followed the mix with sandalwood which helps balance Dragon’s blood rather sterile scent. Sandalwood’s sweet scent helps purify while creating a pleasing and soothing aroma.
While burning dragon’s blood you can’t help but be mesmerized by the rich red color the resin burns into. So if you are a bit curious about incense and their ability to help shift energy around you, don’t be afraid to grab some dragon’s blood incense and see how well it can work for you.

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Incense Burning Part 3

This is the third and final part to my incense burning series in which I will show you the tools I use to burn my loose incense. I pretty much went over the many uses and different types of  incense available as well as the different types of herbs  and incense I use to burn. Before getting into burning loose incense there are a few simple tools you will need. There are also some safety precautions you should take before getting started as well. 
1. Make sure to never touch the charcoal directly once it’s lit. Always pay attention! Never leave your burner unattended.
2. Always place your burner on a heat-resistant surface, such as a trivet or ceramic tile. Depending on what method you’re using the outside of your censer may get very hot.
3. Always keep incense burner in a safe stable area. Keep in mind to always keep curtains and loose article away from your burner.
4. Those with respiratory issues such asthma should take precaution and always burn in a ventilated area.
5. Make sure all your spent incense materials are completely extinguished and cold to the touch, before discarding (i.e. incense, matches, ash, charcoal). Charcoal ash can remain hot for hours after your incense has burned out. Hot incense material can ignite in a wastebasket.
For more Incense Burning safety tips go here.

The Tools               
Charcoal- Since I will be burning loose incense I will be using charcoal. These are rather inexpensive and I usually buy them off a street vendor. However there are a few places where you can check online and they average about $3-5 depending on vendor you purchase from.

Kitchen tweezers–  Once the charcoal is lit you DO NOT want to ever touch the charcoal. Anytime you want to manipulate the charcoal make sure you have your tweezers.

I usually light it here then transfer it to my Can.

Lighter: This type of lighter comes in very handy. You will need something to light your charcoal up which takes a couple of seconds depending on your charcoal. A regular cigarette lighter may work but I find that it’s not resistant enough because you need consistent heat to ignite the charcoal. I find that this lighter is best. $1 at my local dollar store.
It takes several seconds for the charcoal to ignite. Once the charcoal is lit you will see it lightly sprarkle throughout the block.

This lighter keeps my hands and nails safe. I prefer to let my cahrcoal sit on the HEAT PROOF censer then light it. Since charcoal is made of potassium nitrate once you hear it sparkle or sizzle you know it’s already lit. Make sure it’s ignited completely by observing the sparkles.

Censer:  Charcoal can burn up to 1,000 degress or more so it’s important you find a censer for burning incense or a heat resistant container where you will place your charcoal. The Censer is what holds the charcoal in place. There’s a wide variety of different types of censers, you just have to shop around and see which one works best for you.

Screened Censer

Charcoal with Ash
When I first started, I used a regular can with a plate on the bottom for support. Check this link out to give you a better idea of all the different types of burners available. 
Since I prefer homemade things before I invest in anything, I went ahead and got an empty can.
Since the can is not Heat Resistant and can burn to the touch….. 
I placed two heat-oven, microwave proof coffee plates underneath…..


It’s just a regular old empty bean can I cleaned out.

With my kitchen tweezers, I carefully placed the lit charcoal block in the can with the heat resistant plates on the bottom.

Once it’s in the can you can sprinkle you loose incense of choice.

And you are pretty much ready to spread your incense smoke around.
So that’s basically it very simple and effective. Once you start familiarizing yourself with this type of incense you will find that’s it’s very easy and versatile to use. Again this is a great way for you to promote peace in your home as well as purify your space of any negative vibrations.

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As mentioned in part 1, I recently got back into burning incense particularly for purification purposes, especially around the house. No home is ever perfect and I don’t know of any person who does not ever strive for one. For me home is where the heart is and positivity within one creates a more powerful unit and individual. Your home is where you retreat from all the different kinds of energy you are exposed to on a daily basis and if at the least, it should be the place where you can come to rest and renew your mind, body and spirit.

The use of smoke or incense to purify and cleanse people, places and things is a very ancient practice. Throughout many cultures, countries and customs, the belief that energy can take hold of your surroundings (aura, business or home) be it positive or negative, was and still is a very prevalent belief. The lives of our ancient ancestors, for the most part, revolved around keeping this energy balanced. They believed that the imbalance of this energy is reflected through illnesses, depression, anger,confusion and lack of will among many.

 Some call it prana, chi, mana, spirit or simply energy. Not only are we filled and surrounded with this energy but so are the things, places and people around us.

No matter what you may call it, this constant flow of potential life, creativity and renewal known as energy exists in all of us. However you may want to manifest your energy depends solely on you. We are constantly emitting this energy by way of our thoughts and actions toward oneself and others. Unfortunately as individuals it’s difficult to control the negative ways of thinking of most people. That’s why it’s so important to cultivate a stronger and more positive mind for one self, helping to lead by example. What you speak, think and act upon ultimately creates your mood, personality, aura and your daily existence.

Your mind, intentions and thoughts are in fact the main components you are trying to put to work here. The incense, resins, charcoal and smoke are just mere tools to help you tap into your subconscious mind where your true, deep desires and true self resides. The conscious mind always needs something tangible to hold on to. More like an affirmation if you will.

Using incense to rid a place of negative vibrations is similar to smudging and an excellent way to clear your surroundings of negative, unfulfilled energy. Smudge sticks are basically dried herbs, most commonly sage, bundled, wrapped and ready to burn. Whether it be a smudge stick or loose incense, the concept of using the smoke to cleanse and purify your home, business or work/personal space is the intention.

Smudge Sticks

Recently my sister moved into a new apartment and I had the opportunity to mix up a few incense concoctions of my own. I find that whenever moving into a new place it’s always good to give the new place not only a physical cleansing but spiritual one as well. This is a simple yet effective way you can rid the place of the last person’s vibrations and program your new home or space with your vibrations and energy which for me is of peace and prosperity.

Here I will show you the wide variety of common herbs I have been using to burn as incense. I find that I like to use fresh herbs. Sometimes I grind them or burn them whole it all depends on how I may feel. Like with most things, herbs carry their own energy field and vibrations. Herbs are also very versatile and carry within them pleasing aromas and unique qualities benefiting the body and spirit. What’s so amazing is that you can basically find these herbs at your local food market or kitchen cupboard.

Here are a few of my favorites:


Rosemary can be burned to purify any space especially those places where illnesses, conflicts and lack of peace persists. Rosemary helps promote positive energy and it’s known to be one of the oldest incenses.  When burned, rosemary helps attract love and lust especially for those seeking love and companionship. Rosemary also promotes healing and mental clarity.


Burn thyme for, healing, purification, courage.

Feeling a little fear about something you are passionate about and want to banish those doubtful thoughts and take the plunge? Then burn a little thyme to give you strength and courage to manifest your your intent, be it a new job, change in life etc.
Thyme is also burned to attract good health, banishes negative energy and uplifts the mind and spirit.
Thyme’s purifying and healing vibrations helps clear an area where  someone is suffering from an illness especially long term illnesses. Ideal for creative work spaces, thyme helps to renew energy and purifies spaces of low energy helping you become more productive and creative in what it is you may be working on. Associated with the planet of love Venus, thyme is very useful for attracting all types of love and peace into the home as well.

Sage is very popular throughout the Native American tradition and ritual of smudging. Sage is an excellent herb to have especially for those starting anew. Be it a new home, relationship, or life decision, sage is a very nice herb to burn especially while meditating on such matters. Sage purifies spaces allowing for more life enhancing energy to flourish. Keeping a sage plant near helps absorb negativity. Sage also promotes wisdom and learning which is a very good vibration to promote in any ambiance.

Rue; Ruda

This is my first time using  ruda. Last year I encountered ruda in candle form and liked it so thought I’d get me a pack just see how well this herb burns. Second to sandalwood, I’m really feeling this herb. When burned, Ruda emits this very soft musky scent that I can’t describe. When I smell it I get this really good vibe and thoughts of comfort always comes to mind. Ruda can be burned to attract love and peace. Associated with blocking all evil, negative and low vibrations ruda is an ideal herb to burn to help purify any area. You can check out my post on ruda for a more detailed description.


Sandalwood has become my favorite and my go to incense recently. I find that I reach for sandalwood most often especially right before meditating. Sandalwood is used for spiritual elevation as well as a very effective calming and soothing scent. I like to use this incense with others like frank and myrrh. It’s a very nice incense to burn for peace of mind ald also promotes luck and prosperity.

Frank And Myrrh

Frankincense is very ancient and associated with spiritual enlightenment. A very potent protective incense helping rid your space of negativity and low vibrations. Frankincense also draws love into your home. Not just love from others but brings out the love from within one self.


You really can’t mention frank without Myrrh. Like Frank, Myrrh posses amazing healing and protective qualities. When paired you have yourself a great incense to burn. I used frank and myrrh during the holidays, when I had all sorts of people, moods and energy roaming about.
Myrrh promotes love and peace as well.

When it comes to incense the possibilities are endless. Familiarizing yourself with each scent is key since you learn how to  pick up each herb’s different vibration. I find that I can tolerate softer scents like sandalwood and ruda. I find that sage, frank and myrrh are rather strong in terms of how I feel and sense each.

I intended for this post to be a two part series but since I did not want to cram everything into one post I decided to add a third part. Next post will basically cover the basic tools you will need and mention a few basic safety precautions before you get started.

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
The Complete Book Of Incense, Oils and Brews
Via Tumblr

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Since a teenager I’ve always been a huge fan of incense, be it coconut, vanilla and scents dedicated to deities, it was my all time favorite hobby and collecting them would always turn into an adventure.

Burning incense is a very ancient practice spanning thousands of years, cultures and uses. The varied uses for incense encompasses many different religions and spiritual practices as well. It is said that the three wise men who visited Jesus lavished him with splendid gifts which actually included Frankincense and Myrrh. Native Americans most commonly used sage and a variety of herbs to perform ceremonies, prayers and cleansings as well as the Egyptians and ancient Romans. In India it’s closely linked with Ayurveda medicine, while in Japan, making incense is a form of art taken very seriously.

  It wasn’t until this past summer however, that I revisited my passion for incense. While purchasing some goodies from my local African street vendor (mostly Shea butter) I noticed a stack of what seemed like pebbles in clear bags lying next to the usual stick incenses. What I thought to be decorative pebbles were in fact loose frankincense and myrrh resins.

 I had never tried this type of loose incense before and my curiosity made me buy a pack of each.  I became even more intrigued when he mentioned that I needed charcoal which left me a bit confused. He nicely informed me that I would not be able to light it unless I had charcoal. So along with the incense resins of frank and myrrh I bought, I also got a pack of charcoal.

So like me you may be wondering why the charcoal and how do you use it?
There are basically two types of incense:


Combustible incenses are most commonly used. This type of  incense is popular because it can be instantly lit and comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Examples include incense sticks, cones and swirls.


Non combustible

Non Combustible incense requires a hot charcoal block (like the one shown above) in which you sprinkle the loose incense into. For example herbs, resins, spices etc.

The charcoal helps maintain a significant amount of heat which in turn burns whatever incense you choose. Typically these charcoal blocks have a round groove where it holds the incense in place. What helps ignite the charcoal block is the saltpeter (potassium nitrate) most charcoal blocks (and incense sticks) are made with. When fully lit, the saltpeter will sparkle and ignite throughout the block, glowing red indicating it’s ready to burn whatever incense you choose.
The difference between the two is the amount of smoke each type emits. Incense sticks, cones etc tend to let out a more controlled smoke, ideal for meditation, clearing of a small space or to simply enjoy the aroma. Loose incense with charcoal on the other hand, tends to billow out a lot of smoke and it’s mostly used for spiritual cleansing of spaces and environments sort of like smudging.

The idea of using smoke and the aroma derived from the many herbs available, to clear and purify places, people and things is perhaps as ancient as fire itself. Everyday we tend to be unfortunately, exposed to more negativity than not. This is why it’s important to leave those vibrations (and people) at the door and try to maintain a more positive, productive and fruitful environment. Negativity rears it’s ugly head in all forms. Be it the argumentative household, envious neighbor always in your house, stressful day at work, trouble sleeping and the many more things that do not really describe a peaceful environment are just some examples of negative, stagnant energy that seems to take up permanent residence in your household and surroundings.

You can yourself with incense clear your environment of any undesirable elements with simply focusing your intent on a more peaceful ambiance along with a few simple ingredients and must have tools.
This will be a two part series focusing on incense and how you can use it for a variety of things. In my next post I will show you how I use incense to clear my home, the essential tools you will need before you start, as well as some incense recipes I have been experimenting with.
So stayed tuned for part 2.

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