
Archive for the ‘regimen’ Category

Hair as many say is the true frame of the face second to eyebrows in my opinion. However, maintaining healthy hair especially for us curly & coily napptural beauties can be a great challenge. Regardless, maintaining moisture and keeping up with your hair’s needs can become a tedious task. Moisture is my biggest challenge as many with thick, curly hair know. So keeping up with an easy and informed regimen, routine or however you may call it, is crucial to maintaining length, moisture and overall healthy hair.

About a year ago I began paying attention to my hair and noticed how dry and brittle my hair can get especially during the winter months. So I remembered this great recipe my mom would use on my sister and I which consisted of an avocado (over ripe) & Olive oil. I tried it and my hair loved it and have been hooked on natural hair concoctions to maintain my hair ever since.

It has been almost a year and I have learned so many things concerning hair care. I spent the entire time researching hair care forums,products,terms and the likes which are very useful for a beginner and has transformed my hair’s health dramatically.

I learned many things and one of the most important thing was learning about protein & moisture levels and how the hair reacts to each. Before my enlightenment I would just put mayo and an egg in my hair and completely neglect moisture afterwards. My hair would be hard as a brick and I could not understand why. If not then I would over moisturize and neglect protein and wonder why my hair felt so mushy and would shed like crazy.

So all this is to say that the first step to maintaining healthy hair is building a regimen. You will try many concoctions and products until you find what works for your hair specifically. This will also lead you to pay more attention to your hair and it’s needs.

These are some of the things I began with as far as pin pointing the right regimen.

Shampoo (sulfate free )
The first step to maintaining natural hair is keeping it away from stripping chemicals like sulfates.

Sulfates if you were not aware, strips your hair of moisture, and if you are really sensitive can cause skin and scalp irritations. SLS more info on sulfates

So trying a sulfate free shampoo is a great start.

Conditioner- There are many types of conditioners to choose from. Some are loaded with protein some just cater to moisture so picking the right conditioner really matters especially if you are using it after a deep moisture treatment or Protein treatment.

Protein- Strengthens the hair making it stronger against breakage and shedding. There are many types of proteins to choose from. There are treatments, conditioners and daily hair dresses that contains protein and helps maintain hair stronger against breakage and shedding.

Deep Conditioners- This is where the fun starts because there are many to choose from. You can make your own or simply buy one that caters to your need. ( I love to incorporate at least 15 Min’s of heat ).

Leave in- These are great because at least for me it’s where I pack on what I need before styling. Either it be protein or moisture a leave in can determine how great your finished look can be.

Eating Habits- This should be on top of the list but don’t want to scare those with diet rules. But truthfully your health and hair becomes what you eat. Your nutrition is usually reflective in your hair, skin and nails so maintaining a healthy diet is key.

Water- I used to hate water and never took the time to even drink a cup. But about 4 years ago I just stepped up my drinking water game and have had the most beautiful long nails ever! I started with one water bottle a day at work and have maintained my water bottle routine ever since.

Regimen- A regimen is important because it helps you keep track of all the products your hair likes and dislikes. It also helps you stay organized and focused week after week.

Moisture and sealing- This is very useful and I believe the most important. You can moisturize your hair with the most conditioning moisturizer but depending on your hair you may have to reapply several times throughout the day. This is where “sealing” comes in, where you use oil to “seal” in the moisture. There are many oils on the market you can use as well as natural ones that also have multiple uses besides sealing. Despite oils having great moisture abilities, oils do not moisturize! Just putting oil on your hair will not cut it.
Research and patience are also important. Google is a great tool for you to research anything and everything you put or desire to put on your hair. So start your journey with this great article.

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